Mission and Vision


To contribute to the progress of our textile industry, which is influential worldwide in terms of production technology, capacity, and quality, by leveraging the power of art and design education. In today’s world, where the visual quality of products largely influences preferences, our mission is to enhance the aesthetic and functional characteristics of textile products, thereby supporting design and brand values. By doing so, we aim to contribute to our textile industry’s ability to determine international fashion trends and shape the market. With the understanding that art and design are the starting points, we aim to educate graduates who can utilize artistic skills and knowledge in the design process of textile design products, as well as have sufficient proficiency in textile science and technology for the realization and implementation of designs.


With the awareness that visual design is of primary importance in today’s consumer goods economy, our vision is to support the enhancement of aesthetic value in textile products through the integration of art, design, and technological knowledge. We embrace the fact that artistic education for nurturing thoughts related to design and the ability to express them through drawing, as well as scientific knowledge for production solutions, are integral parts of the textile design profession.