
The Department of Musicology, which consists of Musicology and Music Technology programs; aims to train Musicologists and Music Technology Specialists. The Musicology program provides the I necessary cultural methods and techniques to study music and cultural phenomena of music as well as the related cultural background. Music technology program aims to train professionals in the fields of sound recording, rad io & TV broadcasting, acoustics, computer music production and sound design.

The department, provides 4 years of education in Turkish. The students are selected through a musical talent exam . The departmental curriculum consists of mandatory and elective courses spread over 4 years in relation to the Bologna Education Criteria. The total number of ECTS courses must be at least 240 at the end of 4 years. 180 mandatory and 60 elective credits are required for graduation. At the same time, students who want to leave at the end of the first two years can be given an two-year associate degree.
Post-graduation business opportunities in music technology branch include: recording, mixing, mastering engineering in studios, design and / or installation specialist in audio related working environments, radio and television companies, concert sound companies, music production companies, acoustic design companies. The musicology branch business opportunities: music critique in written, visual, au ral media compan ies, producing for music industry, official work in municipal cultural and social affairs departments, and specialist positions related to publicity and public relations.