Graphic About Department

Since 1983, the Department of Graphic has been continuing its undergraduate and graduate education. It is the most popular of majors at the Faculty of Fine Arts Faculty, Dokuz Eylül University.

At the entrance exam held every year, students from the top level are selected among the many applicants. The establishment was made possible by the contributions of artists who have graduated from worthy schools of the time.

The changes and developments in the world have strongly influenced the educational program of the department. Since the year of 2013, the department has been providing education in two main majors as “Graphic Design” and “Illustration and Printmaking”. While students in the major of the Graphic Design concentrate mainly on Advertising, Typography and Graphic Design, in the major of the Illustration and Printmaking, they focus on the courses such as Illustration, Animation and Printmaking.

Students who complete the courses and internships within four years theoretically defend their thesis and exhibit their graduation works in front of a jury open to the public, and be eligible to graduate.

The educational method of the Department of Graphic is based on student based education. Academic staff can easily communicate with the students about their interests by getting to know the students closely. As a natural anticipation of horizontal and vertical relations in the educational process, the goal of the Department of Graphic is to educate creative artist and designer candidates who perceive, define and solve the graphic design problem in a universal sense.