

Playwriting/Dramaturgy Program of Department of Performing Arts is an undergraduate program which offers a bachelor’s degree requires four years of study. The curriculum includes playwriting and dramaturgy program courses besides common courses of the department. 

Freshmen and sophomores obtain basic knowledge on playwriting with practice through courses like Playwriting, Dramaturgy, Forms of Literature, Turkish Theater Texts; upward junior and senior years students are guided to choose from electives focusing either playwriting or dramaturgy. Whereas playwriting elective courses focus on full length play, radio play, children’s theater plays and scenario writing; dramaturgy electives focus on dramaturgy and criticism. Besides these, there are courses like Text Analysis, History of Turkish and World Theater that all three programs’ students take together. Without a doubt, the most important cooperation of Acting Program, Stage Design Program and Playwriting/Dramaturgy Program of Department of Performing Arts is Stage Practice courses and a staged play as its outcome. Also, annually organized Suat Taşer Short Playwriting Competition enable playwriting students to see their texts being staged or to take part in a short play’s rehearsals and staging. Moreover, students are widen their horizons with various disciplines of art and culture through the flexible elective courses of faculty. 

Graduates of Playwriting/Dramaturgy Program can work in private and state theaters as dramaturgs, professionally write play, scenario, advertising copy and be hired in television, cinema and advertising industry.