Cartoon and Animation About the Department


The Department of Cartoon and Animation was established in 2009 as the main art field of “Animation Film Design and Management” under the “Department of Film Design”.  In 2022 it became an independent department with the name of “Cartoon and Animation”.

The department of Cartoon and Animation aims to train animation artists who have both theoretical and practical knowledge for the film, advertising, game industry in particular and the media sector in general, equipped in the fields of art and cinema culture, and animation specialists for animation film production. 

Another aim of the department is to provide the necessary training to the animation artists who produce creative design solutions that make use of existing technological opportunities and can easily adapt to new technological developments. Within the scope of the courses, three-dimensional and two-dimensional computer programs are taught as well as classical art, design, traditional animation education. 

Our students who graduated from the Cartoon and Animation program have the opportunity to find employment as  “Illustrator”, “Art Director”, “Cartoon Designer”, “Academician”, “Video / Editing Designer”, “Producer”, “Special Effects Designer”, “2D and 3D Modeling Designer”, “Game Designer”, “Animation Character Designer”, “freelance designers” etc. in advertising agencies, game industry, multimedia companies, television channels, post production companies/studios. In addition, they will be able to practice their profession in the academic field.